Posts Tagged ‘Video and Animation’


A fun website where people buy and sell products and services for $5. A fun, addicting site where people list all the zany and cool things that they will sell you or do for $5. Anyone can buy or sell. Each posting offers a user review so there is no funny business. All posts have detailed descriptions and photos.


I am usually pretty bored and need things to entertain me, so I have lots of distractions from my big screen TV, my Xbox, to my computer to fend off boredom. My computer probably gets the most use. I am constantly downloading movie files and PDFs to add to my Terra-byte hard drive, I also write from my computer so that entails doing a bit of research sometimes. That leads me always to surfing the web and finding new things. At times, I feel like a modern day Christopher Columbus and wonder where my journey will end and what jewels of information I will find on the trip. Last week I discovered a site that really became addicting fast and I need to share it.


The site is called Fiverr, with two “r”s. I didn’t misspell it. You can of course click the word and it will take you away from this article to the site, but wait till the end and I promise I will embed a link at the bottom of the article. Fiverr is simply a site where people post anything they will sell you for $5 Bucks. That is about as simple as it gets. I applaud the founders on their simplicity and I absolutely love the site. What amazes me is the ingenuity and breadth of the products and services that people are willing to sell for a Fiverr. It is not only informative site but it is a laugh a minute at some of the offerings. Some are outrageous and some are actually something pretty neat, like designing logos and websites. I also found the “design a blog,” pretty cool especially if you aren’t a techie.

Fiverr Categories

  • Graphics and Design
  • Online Marketing
  • Writing and Translation
  • Video and Animation
  • Music and Audio
  • Programming and Tech
  • Gifts
  • Advertising
  • Business
  • Lifestyle
  • Fun and Bizarre
  • Other

Examples of products and services sold on Fiverr

How it works?

Every post has a detailed description of the offer as well as photos. The post includes a “review style” feedback section where others describe their transaction and worthiness of the product or service. It also lists how many people have bought from them that particular listing and how long the wait list is and how many start they were rewarded in the past. It is extremely friendly to people who are afraid to trust people in cyberland which is always a good idea. Every post has options where they offer more services for extra money and speedy rush service, it’s called Gig Extras.


It’s a cool site filled with cool people who just don’t themselves seriously which in today’s world is kinda neat. The site in general is whimsical. It offers the non-techie a tech buddy to rely on and since the Fiverr is most cases is just a form of introduction that some of the web and blog designers offer to get noticed. They certainly aren’t supporting themselves on $5 bucks. Check the site out, at worst you will laugh at some of the offerings, be amazed people will debase themselves for a fiverr or find that techie who will help you understand WordPress and finally get that blog online. As I promised earlier in the article…FIVERR. Before you go, click my subscribe button and enjoy more articles when they get published. I won’t charge you even a nickel.