Posts Tagged ‘Self Improvement’

Two Things that You Should Do Today Regardless of How You Feel.

The Carpenters sang about rainy days and Mondays in the ’70s and people still get the blues. Today, You have the blues so bad, you are changing to a lovely shade of purple. What to do? You could draw a warm bath and find something sharp. You could climb atop a building and “slip.” Or, You could do what I do. Take inventory of your world and then follow my directions below precisely.


The Daily Motivator

It was started by Ralph Marston, in 1995, as a labor of love that morphed into something bigger than life. If you have never visited the site, you need to start, now!! I try to start my day with my coffee and read Ralph’s words of the day. A different uplifting reminder less than a page long that is truly inspirational and thought provoking. Ralph updates the Daily message everyday but Sunday. He has written over 4,500 Daily Inspirations and has never missed a day in 19 years publishing. I rarely find a message that doesn’t have a profound significance to lift my burden. His words realign my spirit and make me appreciate life and how lucky we are to live it, no matter the challenges and pain of life.


Reaffirming Life Slideshows

He also produces short, 3 minute long slideshow presentations set to a soothing soundtrack with short snippet messages appearing and then slowly fading away. Please when you have time, view “Right Now,” I have watched it countless times and still it impacts me strongly. He has other videos to view as well. Ralph doesn’t require any registration or login hassle. He does it cause this is who he is. At the end of the presentations, you can click a link and it brings up the prose of the presentation and converts it to text on a brilliant background that can be printed and framed. What a great gift for someone’s home. Feeling generous, click his Paypal button and make a donation, a cup of coffee will do.


Joy is the best makeup”–Anne Lamott

If you have a dog at home. Just forget everything and pick up a ball or a chew toy, go to a park where no one else is with Fido and throw the ball as far as you can. Fido will run back and forth with you all day and I guarantee you will forget anything that was bothering you. Fido is 50 pounds of fur and unconditional love. Fido never judges you. Fido never thinks your hair is a mess. Fido doesn’t care if you put on a few pounds over the winter. On the way home, stop at the store and get an ice cream and get Fido a treat. You both deserve it. Just remember water as you two will be thirsty.


No Dog, No Problem

For people who don’t have a dog. Go to your local ASPCA and adopt one. Don’t even think about it. Just do it. We need animals and they need us. Millions of dogs are put down every year. Humans wouldn’t have survived in the beginning without Fido at his side. It’s time we ALL start returning the favor. No excuses!! I don’t care if you have a small apartment, pick a small breed. I don’t care if you work a lot and aren’t home much. Good, adopt two dogs so they can keep themselves company and get the local teenager to walk the dogs. Dogs are happy, the kid makes some money and won’t be breaking into your house while you are “out so much.” The amount of joy a dog brings is well worth the $100 to $200 cost per month. Go Get a dog and Be Happy. We Owe them so much, it’s time to repay their contributions.