Posts Tagged ‘National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)’


Did They Find Earth as Inhabiting No Intelligent Life and Leave or Have We Been Enslaved?


Have we already been visited by aliens from outer space? People have been looking towards the stars for millenniums. They have all wondered if there was life in other galaxies. I have a theory that we have had extraterrestrial encounters and the visit was so boring to the aliens, they left in disgust never to return. I also believe that we are not originally from Earth, but seeded from another planet and are in essence aliens ourselves.


Sounds crazy, yes? Well, so did Christopher Columbus when he extolled that the world wasn’t flat. So was Copernicus when he said that the sun was the center of the universe. Copernicus had to wait to publish his theory on his death bed for fear of being declared a heretic and burned at the stake. I’m not waiting that long. This stuff is too juicy to wait. I am no expert in any field but like all I am allowed my theories.



The scientific theory that earth’s original life was spawned from the microbe organisms frozen in asteroids and meteors as published in Aliens Among Us, by Jeffrey Kluger in Time magazine in October 2012. For the first 500 million years of planet Earth, it was hit with an insane amount of interplanetary debris as evidenced by the craters of many well know sites on the planet. In that debris were extremophiles, defined by the National Science Foundation as an organism that thrives in extreme environments. These extremophiles stowed away frozen aboard the meteor would have been able to withstand the journey through the vacuum in outer-space, lack of oxygen and the extreme fluctuations in temperature. Upon impact with the earth and the heat from the explosion, they would have been instantly thawed out. Most scientists are concluding today that original life formed because of these extremophiles ability to survive the journey and were the “seed” of life on earth.NASA has fully subscribed to this “working definition” of life which was proposed by 12 members of a scientific panel including Dr. Gerald Joyce of the Scripps Research Institute enlisted by NASA to define life. This ground breaking theory implies that all life is related to these extremophiles on a molecular basis. Sounds freaky but it isn’t. Sit back and think, it is a very reasonable theory that answers the age old question, “Which came first the chicken or the egg.”


Tree of Life

Scientists are now starting the journey by using genomic sequencing data and statistical algorithms to prove Charles Darwin’s theory that all life shares a common ancestry. In other words, we are all offspring of these extremophiles. Man is at the very top of the Tree of Life and most likely one of the youngest species on the planet. Think of all the branches on a tree descending to a common trunk. At the very bottom of this trunk is one organism where all life manifested and at the top are Sapiens. These Phylogenetic trees of life illustrated by University of Southern California, Berkeley show the relationship that each species shares with the other, from the most advanced humans to the mitochondria. We are all related, like it or not.


Chimpanzees and Humans

Chimpanzees are our closest genetic evolutionary relative. 98% of our DNA is an identical match as reported by National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The genetic sequencing was done in part by Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Science, and the Washington University School of Medicine. The consortium that published the paper in September 2005 issue of Nature magazine was comprised of 67 researchers from around the world, chosen amongst the top experts in their fields of study. Now that the pedigree has been established that this study cannot be refuted, what are the implications and how does it relate to aliens visiting Earth. We are getting there, this is complicated stuff, so be patient.


Intelligence differences between Humans and Chimpanzees

The difference separating us from Chimpanzees is 2% of our DNA structure as reported by Live science But that 2% is a huge difference. The smartest chimpanzees on the planet can learn sign language, can interpret feelings and can use tools. All signs of intelligence. They are the human equivalent of a 3 year old child. Chimpanzees can match human toddlers at age 3 years old in spatial and numerical reasoning but fail miserably in social cognition tests according to a study done by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany. So the smartest chimp on the planet is equivalent to a 3 year old human. That’s huge and will be used to form my alien theory.


Humans and Aliens..are we cousins?

Is E.T. our cousin? Is it logical to assume that if alien life did exist somewhere in our galaxy, The Milky Way, that life would have also been started according to the Panspermia theory. Could all life in all the cosmos derive from one common mitochondria. Suppose Aliens have a structural makeup like all known life. Suppose this DNA makeup was similar to the makeup characteristics shared by Chimpanzees and Humans. Suppose we were the Chimpanzees and the Aliens were the Humans in the DNA difference. So, we are alike by a difference of 2%. So, if an Alien life form, found us first, it is fair to assume, they were the most technologically advanced. See what I am getting at?


Possible Proof of alien visit

So, years ago, who knows how many, Aliens land on Earth and interact with humans. That would logically explain all the drawings of space ships in ancient civilizations such as the Inca’s, the Mayans, the Egyptians, and paintings hung in museums showing aliens and their spacecraft overhead. It would explain Easter Island and the statues. It would explain the Inca Nazca lines. Is this just fantasy? Man needs reference before being able to fantasize and effectively communicate these ideas. Mankind needs inspiration that is definitive and concrete before creating.


Aliens come and Aliens go

So, let’s assume those cave drawings and such are based on a meeting and aliens did visit. So, now, let’s try and recreate what the aliens would have experienced from their perspective. Did they find us engaging? Were we curious to them? Did we impress them? All of that is highly unlikely if we refer back to the DNA difference between Chimpanzees and man which diverged in it’s evolution almost 5 to 6 million years before. Took that long for mankind to develop that 2% chromosomal difference. So, if alien life found us first, it is a fair assumption they are superior intellectually. Using even a smaller difference of 1% difference in DNA and only a 3 million year head start on life. Our smartest 6 year old child would be the intellectual equivalent of the dumbest alien. Think about that. How long would the aliens be interested in that interaction? Could they learn anything at all from us? The answer to that is a resounding no. Just like an adult can’t learn from a 6 year old child. The alien would make a strong conclusion that we are not an intelligent life form and three things would happen. They would kill us, leave us or they would enslave us. They wouldn’t exterminate us. That can easily be refuted through logical assumption.


Aliens find us ignorant: Do they kill us, leave us or enslave us?

Leaving and not returning is the most likely answer but let’s explore mass extermination asHollywood has for years. Would E.T. kill us all? Doubt that. I theorize that question from our perspective. Suppose we land on a planet and find a planet full of apes? After testing them extensively, we find them to be our inferior and equivalent to a toddler. Do we have any reason to exterminate them? None at all, It would be more likely that we would use them for our advantage as mankind has done to oxen, horses, and everything else we find inferior to ourselves if we decided to stay. But the only reason we stay is if our own host planet had issues, otherwise there would be no need to colonize a planet considering there are 100s of billions and most likely this planet we discovered was too far to be of any practical use.


Are we slaves to aliens?

Would we know if we were? Highly doubt it. Do lions in a safari habitat know they are prisoners. Do dogs cognitively realize they are beholden to their owners. Do horses realize they are enslaved? In the movie, “Men in Black,” did the aliens living in the locker realize they were living in a locker in a bus terminal? Was it a surprise in the movie when we were living in what we thought to be a huge world but was really that “same bus locker.” See what I mean. We wouldn’t have a clue.


Think I’m crazy?

Reckon I probably am. But these are the things I think about. I do think about how the galaxy is expanding rather than contracting violating a basic law of physics as we can’t identify the force stretching our universe. I think about how a piece of paper can block a ray of light but millions of miles of space can’t do the same even though we now know about “dark matter.” I think about how our world, inside of 65 years, went from living by candlelight, in 1880 to destroying two cities with nuclear weapons in 1945. Where did that technology come from? If it was self-realized, why did it take so many centuries to discover it and where was the inspiration? Why did man fumble around in the dark for millenniums and all of a sudden become so smart to split an atom and harness the most powerful force in the universe. We must have had help. I think Aliens helped us. Not sure why, maybe so we destroy ourselves. Maybe we are in fact slaves to them developing technology, killing our own planet so they don’t harm their own planet. Just a theory and I hope it makes you think.