Posts Tagged ‘Google President’

Google is the Internet Police of Content.  Google rolled out a new search engine ranking system called Panda 4.0. It will again redefine how a search engine ranks websites. It will filter the junk content from the quality content. Many will hate Panda 4.0 but I love it. Find out Why?


Panda 4.0 is here and it isn’t going anywhere. If you are unfamiliar with Google’s search engine program, it is a content ranking quality quantifier. It is a program used to establish a pecking order in the search results ranking when people search for a subject. This type of algorithmic proprietary system has been tweaked, overhauled, redesigned, lamented and cursed and is basically the albatross of every person who does anything commercially on the internet.

Search Engine Optimizers

Cottage industries like Search Engine Optimizers (SEO), who do nothing but figure out how to “beat the system,” getting their websites a top listing are the bane to the optimum internet user experience. Their goal is to, at least get a first page listing, but the holy grail of success is to get the first listing on the first page. If that happens, that website will be a high traffic money making site with oodles of commercial success. Without tweaking the system and benefiting from “dirty tricks,” this is an impossibility for most websites unless they are extremely “niche unique.”.

Panda 4.0 Rolls Out

On May 21, 2014, Panda 4.0 was rolled out and it has truly upset a lot of these people. These people aren’t the mainstream players that have good content sites that “naturally” rank high because they do as they say, they deliver high quality content that the internet searcher is looking for. Imagine if Google didn’t have this technology in place. The internet would be an uncluttered world and every search would be an arduous sifting of useless junk content to find what you were looking for and in essence the internet would be “broken” and useless to everyone. These content filters remove the junk or bury it so far down the search listings, people will never find it. It’s like that junk content web page went into the “Witness Protection Program” and never was heard from again.

Panda 4.0 is the policeman of the internet

The same people who fear cameras in stores, will fear Panda 4.0, the unscrupulous “shoplifters of virtual time.” These people that manipulate the rankings with key word stuffing, artificial backlinks, spamdexing, bots that “like” an article, and bots that comment on an article,” all in the name of getting a higher ranking on Google and other search engines are the reason for “internet policeman of content”. These manipulators do a disservice to every user on the web. They steal people’s time. And in life, time is the most valuable commodity we own.

What would happen if there was no Panda 4.0 policing the internet?

There was an experiment done by Psychologist Robert Epstein and written about on PolicyMe, called “Google’s Secret Search Algorithm Could Manipulate the Results of an Election.” The experiment was the creation of a search engine called “Kadoodle.” It manipulated the search rankings to see if it could influence a person’s thoughts on a specific politician. He used Kadoodle to restructure the search rankings of a political candidate. It pushed one of the candidates to the top of the listings and it buried the other opponents listings to the back of the search pages. Epstein had a poll conducted on each candidate’s popularity before and after the experiment. The conclusion at the end of the experiment was that the manipulated “favorite” candidate popularity shifted tremendously in his favor and that 75% of the people polled had no awareness that the search engine results were manipulated rankings and their perception of the candidate. Subliminal messaging meets technology in cyberspace version 2.0.

Google President

With $20 Billion dollars spent annually on political elections, could you imagine if Panda 4.0 wasn’t “policing” the internet. How long before a Presidential election would be manipulated? With a 4% margin of victory in the last presidential election, a “Google President of the United States” would eventually be a reality sitting in the Oval office and not some experiment by a psychologist any longer.

Who is afraid of Panda 4.0?

Simple answer. People who manipulate search engine results and people that pollute the internet with poor quality content are terrified of Panda 4.0. Otherwise, no one else cares. If an article is judge and ranked on merit, only cheaters would care. Want higher search rankings? Offer more relevant, engaging content. Finally, Panda 4.0 will be something to level the playing field and disarm the manipulators and welcomed by the people who are playing fair. I’m not afraid, I love Panda 4.0.

Panda 4.0 impact on me

As a freelance writer, I write content to get paid and I am not concerned if Panda 4.0 buries my article in the search rankings. I don’t care because my articles shouldn’t be on the first page of a search engine and in most cases probably not even the first 5 pages. When I do get good rankings on one of my articles, I am very happy. It shows me that I wrote a good article and I have quality engaging content. When my articles get buried, it forces me to work harder. I am quite happy with these filtering processes as they force me to build my brand of readers and not hope to stumble upon thousands of people looking for a particular topic with nefarious methods of inducement. I say thousands cause it is all about “Page Views” on the commercial side of the internet to direct people using content to drive consumers to advertisers. And there isn’t anything wrong with that in a capitalistic world. Without commerce, everything grinds to a halt. No one forces anyone to click a banner ad or a sponsor ad.

Panda 4.0 impact on others

Panda 4.0 immediately impacts people who write garbage content. I mean the authors of articles like, “10 interesting facts about…..,” that are simply “copy paste jobs” compiled in meaningless lists stuffed with keywords that are useless time and byte wasters. They “steal” information, rewrite it by changing a few words and sell it as their own all in an effort to collect clicks and get paid. They are information thieves and steal the viewers time. They are the ones who fear Panda 4.0. They know their days of manipulating a system are drawing to a close. The wizard behind the curtain has been unveiled. They are the bane of the internet user and advertiser and should be exterminated. They are the reasons that bona fide writers on “content farms” get a bad rap and are internally despised by their own kind. When these impostors are gone, I will dance with profound happiness and again be reminded that there are no shortcuts in life.

I love Panda 4.0

I love Panda 4.0 because of the ability to cleanse the system of riffraff manipulators and contributors of pollution on the internet. I love Panda because it levels the playing field for all people to get good rankings. I love Panda 4.0 because it is a “report card” on a piece of content. “Grade A” content will receive high rankings and a high volume of viewers and “Grade F” content will be buried many pages deep in the annals of the search engine and not have an opportunity to waste someone’s time and an advertiser’s money. I also think the manipulators in the long run will love and embrace Panda 4.0 because it will enable them to cease their larcenous behavior and concentrate on something positive. The “fluff article” writers will also look back on Google panda 4.0 with love because it saved their souls. Imagine dying knowing that “The Best of…or The 5 most interesting…” articles was your claim to fame as a writer. That would be tragic considering they all joined to embrace the pen to express themselves and let the power of the “page views” change their ambitions all for 30 pieces of silver.

I feel like Jerry McGuire

“Who’s Coming With Me!” as Tom Cruise grabs the goldfish and asks his fellow employees who will join him after he published his manifesto on what is wrong with his industry and is being terminated. One person stood with Jerry and the rest of the office stayed in their own goldfish bowl. It is easy to stay. It is easier in life to cheat. It is easier for a ballplayer to take steroids to excel at their sport. It was easier for Rosie Ruiz, to hop the subway and cheat the organizers of the 1980 Boston marathon and say she won a hard race, than train hard and win it by merit.

Cream rises to the top

Panda 4.0 is nothing more than a filter. The content cream rises to the top and the content junk plunges to the bottom. Panda 4.0 is the Police of the internet. If Google wasn’t protecting us from the manipulators of information, the poor quality content and the thieves who steal our time by wasting it with frivolous information only serving their selfish agendas to make money, Who Would?