Posts Tagged ‘Exergen’

People get sick all year. The flu knows no calendar or season. To combat the chances of getting sick, a basic tool to catch it quickly is the thermometer. There are many health thermometers to choose from in the local CVS or Walgreen’s. Which type is right for you? Which are the most accurate? Which are the easiest to use? Which one is best for a newborn,child or an adult? Lots of questions but we have the answers.

Which thermometer for which person?

Birth to 2 years

  • First choice: Rectum

Age 2 to 5 years old

  • First choice: Rectum
  • Second choice: Ear
  • Third choice: Armpit

Age 5 years and older

  • First choice: Mouth
  • Second choice: Ear
  • Third choice: Armpit

Two types of thermometers


the old fashioned, low tech mercury in a glass. Can be used to take temperature from the armpit, mouth or rectum. Extremely accurate but because of the chance that the glass breaks and mercury is toxic, most people have replaced them already. If you still have one, be sure to dispose of it safely in an environmentally friendly way by contacting your local trash collector and inquiring about proper disposal of hazardous materials. No throwing it into the trash can allowed.


Using heat sensors and infrared technology, digital models can be used to take temperature from the ear, armpit, mouth, rectum, and temporal region

Digital thermometer types

Ear thermometer

a non-invasive infrared device that takes temperature inside the ear canal. A fever is present if over 100.4oF. Price ranging from $18.00 to $50.00 for budget friendly households.

Armpit thermometers

Best used when a quick check of temperature is needed. Not the most accurate and the armpit needs to be dry as well so a hot humid day is not amenable for usage. If the armpit is above 99oF, a fever is present and a better test is necessary. Price Range is under $10 dollars to $50.00.

Oral thermometer

The old stand by method. Make sure the person has not had anything hot or cold to drink 30 minutes prior and it is very accurate. A reading above 99.5oF. indicates temperature. Price range is under $20.

Rectal thermometer

The most accurate place to get a precise reading. Recommended for newborns. Make sure to wait after a child has taken a bath cause that could give an inaccurate reading. A reading above 100.4oF indicates a fever and requires an immediate doctor’s visit. Under $20.

Temporal thermometers

The least accurate thermometer that is simple to use but can’t be trusted for accuracy. Uses infrared technology but too many outside factors that can give faulty readings. Fast and noninvasive but some things shouldn’t be rushed. Not recommended. Price range: Save your money.

Temperature strips

Same classification as the temporal lobe thermometers. Liquid crystal strips that are a waste of money in most cases. Proven to be highly inaccurate. Not recommended. Price range: Save your money.

Leading Brands

Some excellent choices for digital thermometers that won’t break the budget are Vicks, American Red Cross, Briggs Healthcare, Braun, and Exergen.

A temperature is the body’s first sign that it is sick and medical attention needs to be found. Accurate results trump speed and ease of collection. Better taking a few extra minutes and getting the right reading, even if it causes minor discomfort and resistance from a child.

This information should not be used as a substitute for a visit to the physician’s office.