Children’s Free Clinic of Southern Nevada is a no-cost children’s healthcare clinic serving the 120,000 Nevadan children with no health insurance and a limited amount of options for preventing sickness. Dr. Noah Kohn is the founder of Clinics in Schools.


Children’s Free Clinic of Southern Nevada is a no-cost health clinic for 120,000 children that is 100% funded by donations from the community. Because they refuse to participate in a sliding fee scale they have zero infusion of federal monies. The founders of the Children’s Free Clinic of Southern Nevada believe that the “shared responsibility” platform that a sliding fee in the case of the poor is the difference in them getting check-ups for their children thus alleviating a future financial burden on an already overburdened and understaffed city hospital system.

Children’s Free Clinic of Southern Nevada Medical Director, Dr. Noah Kohn

Dr. Noah Kohn
is the founder of Clinics in Schools which focuses on the 120,000 children in Nevada schools that have no health insurance. If these children get sick, their school work suffers and their chance to get out of that economic pit strangles them and another generation is lost to a cycle of poverty and unhappiness. Every human being is entitled to health care especially the youngest and most vulnerable members of society that don’t have any financial way to provide for themselves yet.

Children’s Free Clinic of Southern Nevada

Dr. Noah Kohn left the financially secure world of pediatric private practice and made a commitment to take his knowledge and training and devote his life to the underprivileged children of the world, not just his own neighborhood. He has traveled to Haiti to provide medical treatment to the victims of the Hurricane that devastated the island nation. He has been awarded a “Community Spirit Award,” by Channel 8 KLAS and the United Way of Southern Nevada. He has also been awarded the “Healthcare Headliners Award” by In Business Las Vegas. Swiss watchmaker, Frederique Constant nominated him as one of the seven considered for the 2010 Passion Award.

Services and remedies

It costs $250,000 a year to run the Children’s Free Clinic of Southern Nevada. These monies go towards rent and utilities but more importantly the monies provide children with free prescription medications, free vision screening, immunizations, wellness checkups, routine camp, school and sports physicals, laboratory services, assessment, treatment, and management of acute and chronic illnesses and injuries. Referral services to free and low cost dental and vision providers and pediatric specialists. Additional treatment services for treatment off-site include: pregnancy tests, PAP tests, Testing and treatment for STDs, and teen health exams.


Many people and companies around the Nevada region donate to keep the Children’s Free Clinic of Southern Nevada financially stable. We all know that medical and prescriptions drugs are not luxuries in life. The sponsors and the companies that give to this worthy cause are owed many thanks by the community. It takes a village to rear a child and it takes a community to care for it’s sick. Nevadans all should seriously consider donating what they can to this fine organization where even a small donation will go a long way and change the life of a child. To become a sponsor of the Children’s Free Clinic of Southern Nevada, click here. To make a donation, click here. A $25 donation pays for the full vaccinations for one child, and $40 pays for acute care for one child. Can’t we all afford to care for one child?

Need care for your child or teen?

Need an appointment to the Children’s Free Clinic of Southern Nevada or more information. Contact the clinic at 702.826.2300 and find it at 1140 Almond Tree Lane, Suite #306, Las Vegas, NV 89104.


Sources: Children’s Free Clinic of Southern Nevada, Clinics in Schools, KTNV Channel 13 Action News


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